There are a few steps you should think about when you want to construct a drilled well. The approval situation for the construction is somewhat more complex. Here, the process is structured as follows with regard to the application:
- Drilling notification: The construction of a well must be notified in accordance with §49 Para. 1 of the Water Resources Act (WHG) in conjunction with Art. 30 of the Bavarian Water Act (BayWG). The drilling notification does not constitute a legal claim to water extraction!
- Request for water withdrawal
How best to proceed:
- Drill display
- Where: District Office, Water Rights Department (application form, site plan usually M1:50,000 incl. drilling points and areas).
- After positive examination by WWA > Permission for test drilling (from the District Office)
- Observe conditions!
- Pumping test: Here the yield of the well is tested in order to check whether the system is suitable for expansion.
- If the pumping test is successful > Request for water withdrawal
- "Application for the granting of a limited permit under water law for the abstraction of water for the irrigation of agricultural land from groundwater", described overleaf. Procedure overleaf.
Our tip:
Discuss your project in advance at an appointment with your local district office! The planning of a drilled well involves a complex examination of water rights.
Permission for test drilling leads to permission to develop groundwater resources in compliance with the conditions imposed. However, there is no "guarantee" for this.
In the event of failure ... must be reliably backfilled.
Possibilities for well installations in flood and water protection areas are best discussed in advance in a personal meeting!